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Mathematics & Statistics


In Print

Online Sources

  • IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe, formerly EuroDicAutom)
    The European Commission's "multilingual term bank." A searchable multilingual dictionary whose languages include Dutch, French, German, Italian, Danish, English, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, Swedish, and Latin.
  • Mathematical programming glossary
    The glossary "contains terms specific to mathematical programming, and some terms from other disciplines, notably economics, computer science, and
    mathematics, that are directly related." Information on how to cite this glossary is included on the site.
  • Credo Reference
    Online dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri. Mathematics coverage is limited to The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics and a few other general dictionaries.

Handbooks & Tables

In Print

These are all available in the library. Click on the titles to see their call number and location.


Online Sources