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ACWR303 - Academic Writing for Nursing

Thoughts & Feelings

The Search Closure phase is often characterized by a sense of relief. Now you can quit looking for more information put the information you found into action! Depending on how the search process went for you, you may feel satisfied with what you've accomplished or disappointed with the results (we hope it's satisfaction you're experiencing!)

Some reasons for bringing your search to a close include:

Diminishing value of results: if you've done a fairly comprehensive search, you will find that the information you continue to find is either less relevant to your needs or that it is becoming redundant. The effort of continuing to search is greater than the worth of the information you may find.

Enough: sometimes you know there's more out there, but feel that what you've collected is adequate to meet the requirements of the assignment. If you have got everything you need (and you are quite sure that nothing more is required), there's not much point in continuing to search.

Out of Time: one of the huge challenges of being a student in the 21st century is scheduling your time so that you fit in everything that needs to be done. Often the decision to stop searching for information is driven by the assignment deadline or by the need to meet other deadlines in your life. You need to fit time into your schedule to synthesize and organize the information you've found and to prepare the final 'product'.

Model - Search Closure