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BUSN - Writing and Presenting

This guide provides resources to help with business communication, focusing on academic integrity, business writing, presentations, citing and referencing, and using web resources.

What is plagiarism? (Video)

  Plagiarism: How to avoid it by Bainbridge College

Have fun and learn about the importance of citing your sources with this interactive tutorial produced by the Vaughan Memorial Library, Acadia University. 

Why Cite?

In North American academic contexts, writers are expected to cite sources whenever they take ideas, information, or words from a source.

Failure to cite sources according to a standard style can result in plagiarism. Plagiarism most commonly involves:

  • failing to cite a source
  • citing a source but failing to use quotation marks to indicate borrowed wording
  • following the original text too closely when paraphrasing

How to avoid accidental plagiarism

Avoiding plagiarism (University of Guelph)

Avoiding plagiarism (Purdue University)

Principles of Paraphrasing (Harvard University Graduate School of Eduication)