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Systematic Reviews Skills Curriculum

Saving searches - Medline via OVID

Step 1: Create an account.

  1. Select My Account.
  2. Select Create Account.
  3. Fill out the account information.
    • Recommended personal account name: SR[ProjectName]. Eg. SRProject
    • Recommended password: SR[ProjectName][Year]. Eg. SRProject2018

Step 2: Save your search.

Note: You should have already developed your search.

  1. Make sure you are logged into your account. Select My Account and enter your login information.
  2. Select Search.
  3. In the search box type out and perform each line of your search strategy individually.
  4. Select all lines of your search by checking off each box.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Enter a search name and any relevant comments.  Under "Type" select Permanent from the drop down menu.
  7. Select Save.

Step 3: Edit you search (only if you need to).

  1. Select My Workspace.
  2. On the left hand side select Saved Searches.
  3. Select the pencil icon beside the search you want to edit.
  4. To insert a row: Select the arrow under the insert column.
  5. To edit a row: Select the pencil icon beside the row you want to edit.
  6. To delete a row: select the x under the Delete column.
  7. To annotate a row: Select the speech bubble under the Annotations column.


Saving searches - CINAHL via Ebsco

Step 1: Create an account.

  1. Select Sign In.
  2. Select Create one now beside "Don't have an account?"
  3. Fill out the account information.
    • Recommended personal account name: SR[ProjectName]. Eg. SRProject.
    • Recommended password: SR[ProjectName][Year]!. Eg. SRProject2018!
      • Must include 1 number, 1 special character, 6 character minimum.
      • Remember that you will share this password with project members, don't use a password associated with personal accounts.
    • Recommended Secret Question and Answer: Choose "City of Birth" and then set the city to where your project is based.

Step 2: Save your search.

  1. Make sure that you are signed in and select New Search.
  2. Run each line of your search strategy as an individual search in order.
  3. Once you have run every line of your search strategy select Search History.
  4. Select every line of your search strategy and select Save.
  5. Give your search a name and, if you wish, a description.  Beside "Databases" make sure that only "CINAHL Plus with Full Text" is selected. Beside "Saved Search" select Saved Search (Permanent).
  6. Select Save.

Step 3: Edit your search (only if you need to).

  1. Make sure that you are signed in and select Folder.
  2. On the left hand side select Saved Searches.
  3. Under the search strategy you want to edit select Edit Saved Search.
  4. Beside the line you want to edit, under "Actions", select Edit.
  5. Make any changes and select Save.
  6. Once you have made all of your changes select Save again.



Exporting Results - CINAHL via Ebsco

Note: Make sure you have already created and saved your search in Ebsco CINAHL.

To export search results as an RIS file:

  1. Log into your Ebsco account in CINAHL.
  2. Select Folder to access your saved searches.
  3. Find your CINAHL search and select Retrieve Saved Search.
  4. The search you want to run will be the top search. Select Rerun.
  5. At the top of your results select Share and then select email a link to download exported results.
  6. Enter your email and whatever subject or message you would like.  Make sure to select RIS Format.
  7. Wait for you email to arrive. Make sure you open the email within 168 hours.
  8. Open the email and it should include a link. Click the link and a file containing the CINAHL search.
  9. An RIS file should be in your downloads folder. It is a good idea to rename the file to something like CINAHL results so that you can find it later to import into EndNote.

Exporting Results - MEDLINE via OVID

Note: Make sure that you have created and saved your search.

To export your search results as an RIS file:

  1. Log into your Ovid via Medline account.
  2. Select My Workspace from the top menu.
  3. Select My Searches & Alerts to see your saved searches.
  4. Select your Medline search and then click run.
  5. You should see your search here under search history.
  6. Click Run Search on your last line at the bottom.
  7. Note the number of results (this will be used when importing results into EndNote)
  8. If you have fewer than 1000 results, check All. Otherwise, enter ranges from 1-1000, 1001-2000, until you have exported all records (Medline via OVID can only export 1000 results at a time).
  9. Click Export.
  10. In the dialogue box, choose Format: RIS, Fields: Complete Reference, and clear the other check boxes. Click Export.
  11. Save the file, and rename it as appropriate, e.g. medline_results1-1000.ris