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APA Citation Tools & Resources

Citation tools & resources for students and scholars using the APA style guide

Citation Tools

PRIMO (The UCalgary Library Main Search)

You can generate citations using Primo (CAUTION: be sure to double check them in one of the APA resources mentioned earlier as not every Primo generated citation will be fully accurate).

You can generate a citation using Primo in 3 easy steps:

1. Find the source you're looking for and click the Quotation Mark (") icon


2. Choose "APA Style" and click "Copy the Citation to Clipboard."


3. Then simply paste to your Word document.


Citation Managers

There are a number of citation managers on the market. Choosing the right tool for you may depend on a number of factors: (1) are you an undergraduate student? (2) are you a graduate student working on a thesis and dissertation? (3) will you be collaborating on a big research project with a team of scholars?

Most citation managers perform the same functions, so for those working on undergraduate papers, many of the freely available citation managers will do the job. Graduate students embarking on bigger projects (like writing a dissertation) or collaborative projects (like embarking on a systematic review) may wish to invest in a citation manager capable of filtering huge numbers of citations and of generating accurate bibliographies.

While Zotero and Mendeley are great choices for those looking for free software, those working on Systematic Reviews may want to invest in the latest version of EndNote (which is available at a UCalgary discount for $150). 

The following is a short comparison chart of the three above mentioned programs:

Zotero Mendeley EndNote
Price? Free Free $150 (with discount)

Where do I get it?

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Can I attach PDFs? Yes Yes Yes
Does it work with Word? Yes Yes Yes
Will it work with my MAC? Yes Yes Yes
Does it generate a bibliography? Yes Yes Yes (arguably does this best)
Does it automatically de-duplicate? Not automatically Yes Yes
Can I share libraries? Yes Yes Yes
Can I use after I graduate? Yes Yes Yes
Web storage? 300 MB 2 GB Unlimited