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ACWR303 - Academic Writing for Nursing


Frequently characterized by confusion, uncertainty and doubt, this is often the most difficult part of the information search process. So if you are experiencing frustration, don't despair! This is normal.  Really, it is.

Many students feel they should be able to go straight from topic selection into the information collection stage and frequently try to do so. This will seldom be productive. You need to learn more about your topic, the details, nuances, and issues surrounding it, in order to find a focus for your research.

It is a misconception that the more information you find on a topic, the clearer things become. In the process of exploring your topic, you will find information that is sometimes contradictory, questionable or incompatible with your ideas. It takes time and persistence and to wade through this information and make sense of it. One researcher referred to this type of exploration as a process of "patience and faith". Eventually, you will be able to find a focus for your research.

Model - Prefocus