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ACWR303 - Academic Writing for Nursing

Research Strategies

The purpose of this phase is to review the information to ensure that it is relevant and appropriate to your specific topic. This is also a good time to make sure that you are meeting all the assignment’s criteria.

To do this, you will want to:

Reread your course assignment guidelines - Ensure that you have satisfied the criteria/guidelines set out by the professor. You may not be allowed to use Internet sites. Often the professor asks you only to use peer-reviewed, refereed, or scholarly articles.

Evaluate the information you found - it is important to make sure that you are using quality information, particularly when using Internet sources. This checklist will be helpful in critically analyzing information sources.

Reflect on your KWL Chart - (What I know, What I Want to Know, What I Learned). Does the information you found address what you wanted to find out? What are the major things you learned about your topic? Identifying these components will help direct the writing of your paper/assignment.

Review reference lists - review the reference lists and bibliographies of the articles and documents you have collected to ensure that you are not missing other relevant research. Remember, not all research is indexed in a database. Reviewing reference lists will help to ensure that you have conducted a comprehensive search and that you are not missing any important works.

Model - Information Refinement