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Nursing - Term 3 Resources

Mosby's Nursing Video Skills

Each procedure includes: Overview - purpose of the skill, safety precautions, and delegation guidelines; Preparation - patient assessment and preparation needed before the procedure; Equipment - listing and showing the most current equipment used for each procedure; Procedure video - key nursing procedures featuring the most current practices, dynamic 3-D animations, and printable procedure guidelines; Follow-up care - appropriate assessment, evaluation, and interventions; Documentation - guidelines on how to document care provided and patient response, and printable sample documentation; Review questions - NCLEX exam - style review questions with rationales.

Bates Visual Guide to Physical Examination (4th Ed)

Bates is a teaching resource consisting of 18 anatomy and system specific videos. Each video shows a step-by-step examination. Each module of the Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination shows step-by-step examinations with rationales for the clinician's actions and contains expanded discussions of health history taking, interviewing, and describing findings. Graphics throughout the series illustrate key components of anatomy and physiology. Patients and actual expert clinicians represent diverse age groups and cultures to reflect realistic practice settings.


Database contains rotatable 3D models of the human body and anatomical layers which may be stripped away. Includes interactive head & neck, shoulder, hand, thorax & abdomen, spine, pelvis & perineum, hip, knee, and foot. Also included are common pathologies, radiological content, and interactive quizzes.