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How can I search for, and request materials to view in the reading room?

Where to search for materials:

Books from Special Collections are individually catalogued and are listed in the library’s main discovery tool. Items held in Special Collections will show the location “Archives and Special Collections TFDL Reading Room Use Only” and may be requested directly from the catalogue. Requested materials are then available for viewing in the Glenbow Western Research Centre (GWRC), located on second floor, Suite 220 of the Taylor Family Library. Special Collections books cannot be borrowed or taken outside the GWRC. 

Click the link below for a step-by-step process of searching for and requesting books from Archives and Special Collections. 


How to Search for and Request Archival Books


How to request archival materials:


Archival holdings are described in online finding aids, arranged by the name of the creator of the materials. Finding aids are accessible through our archival database.

For questions and general inquiries, or to request materials to view in the Glenbow Western Research Centre (GWRC), please email or phone us with your question. You can find our contact information on our website at 

Materials held in Archives and Special Collections need to be retrieved from storage vaults and may be held in an off-campus facility. We ask that researchers provide us with a minimum of two business days of notice regarding the books or archival materials they wish to request. If you are planning to consult a higher volume of materials (e.g. multiple boxes of archival materials) please let us know in advance, and we will work with you.

Consult the research guide to begin your research and learn more about finding materials here.


Click the following link for a video guide on searching for and requesting archival materials from Archives and Special Collections


How to Search for and Request Archival Materials


Restricted Materials:

While the majority of records are available for research, some materials that you request may be restricted. Any restrictions will be noted in the fonds level record available through our archival database. If you are requesting records from the permanent corporate record of the University Archives, note that the corporate record is restricted for 15 years from date of creation as per the Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Act. In the case of any access restrictions, it may be possible to access the records via a researcher agreement.  

If you have any questions or need assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

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