Our databases are a collection of information, organized for you to search. They provide access to a wealth of useful research materials including: academic journals, newspapers, magazines, e-books, relevant web resources, and various multimedia. All databases come from reliable sources.
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35 Databases
Amateur newspapers from the American Antiquarian Society
The amateur newspaper occupies an unusual place in the history of journalism. An amateur journal is a periodical created to afford pleasure to its readers as well as to its editor and its publisher. The rage to publish, rather than profit, is the motive that most often induces people to become amateur journalists; and, throughout the history of the genre, most but not all amateur journalists have been juveniles. The Amateur Newspaper collection at the American Antiquarian Society consists of about 50,000 issues. There are more than 5,500 titles, from every state except Alaska and Hawaii, thus making the Society's holdings among the largest and most extensive in the United States.
British Library newspapers
The British Library Newspapers collection contains full runs of 48 newspapers specially selected by the British Library to best represent nineteenth century Britain. This new collection includes national and regional newspapers, as well as those from both established country or university towns and the new industrial powerhouses of the manufacturing Midlands, as well as Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Special attention was paid to include newspapers that helped lead particular political or social movements such as Reform, Chartism, and Home Rule. The penny papers aimed at the working and clerical classes are also present in the collection.
- Newspaper images can be magnified for easier reading or reduced for on screen navigation. You can save and print article images, create persistent links and email them to others. When trying to print entire newspaper pages, you will need to tile them to make them legible given the differing paper size between newsprint and common office paper sizes.
Canadian business & current affairs database
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database combines full text and indexed content from all four subsets (Business, Current Events, Education, and Reference). Content comes from a broad range of Canadian sources and includes millions of full-text articles and records from 1933 to current, providing an ideal research environment for those interested in Canadian current events, business, science and technology, medical, humanities and the arts, and hundreds of topics.
Canadian Newsstream
Canadian Newsstream provides users with unmatched access to current Canadian news content with archives as far back as the 1970s, from over 360 news sources.
- Coverage is selectively from 1985 to the present.
- Includes fulltext of articles.
Early Alberta Newspapers
This collection features daily and weekly newspapers from various communities in Alberta from 1885 - 2001. Most materials were scanned from microfilm and microfiche as part of the Our Future, Our Past: Alberta Heritage Digitization Project.
Please note that the language, terminology or visual content in this collection reflects the context and culture of the time of its creation, and may include culturally sensitive information. As an historical document, its contents may be at odds with contemporary views and terminology. The information within this collection does not reflect the views of the University of Calgary, but is available in its original form to facilitate research. For questions or comments regarding sensitive content, access, and use related to this collection, please contact
Provides worldwide full text coverage of local and regional newspapers, trade publications, business newswires, press release wires, media transcripts, news photos, business-rich Web sites, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, historical market data.
- Due to license restrictions, access is limited to 6 simultaneous users.
- Interface in English, German, French or Chinese; contents in 22 languages.
Financial times historical archive, 1888-2021
The Financial Times began as a City of London news sheet and grew to become one of the best-known and most-respected newspapers in the world. Along the way, the Financial Times—printed on its distinctive salmon-colored paper—has chronicled the critical financial and economic events that shaped the world, from the late nineteenth and entire twentieth centuries to today. This historical archive is a comprehensive research tool for those studying economic and business history and current affairs of the last 120 years. An online, fully searchable facsimile, Gale's Financial Times Historical Archive delivers a near-complete run of the London edition of this internationally known daily paper, from its first issue through 2010 (part 1), 2016 (part 2), and 2021 (part 3). Every article, advertisement, and market listing is included—shown both individually and in the context of the full page and issue of the day.
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) daily reports
FBIS Daily Reports issued by the U.S. Government. Translations of broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from nations around the world . "The United States' principal record of political and historical open source intelligence"--Readex.
Gale Primary sources
Gale Primary Sources is a universal research experience that combines Gale's acclaimed digital archives in a single cross-search interface. This powerful platform greatly enhances the research experience for students and researchers by broadening their discovery of primary source documents through the use of multiple search options and research tools. The Gale Primary Sources cross-search interface provides access to millions of pages of content spanning many centuries and geographic regions. Users can explore a wide range of content including monographs, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, maps, and more. As Gale continues to create additional digital archives, we will automatically add the content to the Gale Primary Sources cross-search experience.
Globe and Mail
Provides access to full-text of the Globe and Mail Newspaper from January 1, 1985 to present.