Use of Copyright materials in D2L

Copyright protects the form in which literary, artistic, musical and dramatic works are expressed.

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Copyright statement

Copyright protects the form in which literary, artistic, musical and dramatic works are expressed. In Canada, copyright exists once a work is expressed in fixed form; no special registration needs to take place. Copyright usually resides with the creator of the work. Copyright exists in most work for 70 years after the death of the creator.

The University of Calgary encourages access to works while ensuring that the rights of creators are respected in accordance with the Copyright Act. Instructional materials, including required and recommended readings posted to this course management system may be used only if cleared through the Copyright Office ( to ensure that the works meet fair dealing guidelines or other educational exceptions, are licensed by the University of Calgary, are licensed through Creative Commons or other Open Access initiatives, are in the public domain or have appropriate royalty payments paid. It is the responsibility of each individual to ensure compliance with copyright regulations.

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