Body Donation Process

UCLASS Primary: SS400 Learning Support

Retention Rule Number: Specific Retention Rule 2014.02

Function/Activity: To document the body donation process for teaching and research purposes; and to document cremation and interment after the completion of studies.

Description/Type of Records: Body donation forms, death certificates, medical certificates of death, body donation consent forms, deceased records of information forms, blood results forms, body markings forms, list of personal belongings, death registration forms, certificate for dissection/cremation authorization forms, burial permits, photographs, correspondence, body program database.

Retention Rules

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Retention Disposition
Body Donation Program Office, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy
Records of bodies offered for donation, but not accepted by the Department Retain for the life of the prospective donor + 1 year after decision not to accept the body. Confidentially shred or delete
Case files of donated bodies accepted by the Department Retain until cremation and interment or return of cremated remains to family + 12 years or longer at the discretion of the Director, Body Donation Program Transfer to Archives
Department of Anatomy Deceased Records of Information” database Retain case records until cremation + 70 years Delete

Access to this series shall be limited to the following purposes: File and/or case management.


For Offices of Primary Responsibility (OPR):
Human Tissue and Organ Donation Act, SA 2006, cH-14.5, s.4
Funeral Services Act 
, General Regulation, AR 226/1998, S13.1A, S15(1)
Vital Statistics Act, SA 2007, c V-4.1, s.31
Limitations Act, Chapter L-12, s.3(1)
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Chapter F-25, s.35(b)

Approval Information:

  • Karen Jackson, General Counsel
  • Dru Marshall, Vice-President (Academic)
  • Bonnie Woelk, University Records Committee (Chair)

23 May 2017

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