Centre for Wellbeing in Education Client Files

Retention Rule Number: Specific Retention Rule 2014.11

Function/Activity: To document client history, consultations and assessments of individuals accessing University of Calgary Centre for Wellbeing in Education, formerly known as ISE and U-CAPES

Description/Type of Records: NOTE: THIS RULE APPLIES ONLY TO CLIENT FILES CREATED BY UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY CENTRE FOR WELLBEING IN EDUCATION (formerly ISE and U-CAPES). Client’s demographic information, counselor’s notes and client histories, assessment instruments, referral forms, Permission to Consult forms, Parental Authorization for Consultation forms, copies of cheques, reports, graphs, recommendations and correspondence. Recordings of client consultations: see Records Management Instructions

Retention Rules

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Retention Disposition
University of Calgary Centre for Wellbeing in Education (formerly ISE and U-CAPES) Active: Retain for the period of time client attends the clinic.

In-active: Retention period is under review. In-active records must be retained indefinitely until the review has been completed

Confidential shred or delete

Access is restricted to the client, the counselor and to staff assigned the authority to compile, classify, annotate, read, retrieve, transfer or destroy this record series.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, s34(b).
Limitations Act, Chapter L-12,s.3(1).
College of Alberta Psychologists Standards of Practice (2013), S. 7.3 and 7.4
Records Management Instructions:
Office of Primary Responsibility:
Recordings of client consultations fall under Specific Retention Rule 98.0011 Draft Documents and Working Materials, and are to be destroyed at the end of the term following their creation in accordance with ISE procedures.

Approval Information:

  • Kelly Schwartz, Director, U-CAPES
  • Jo-Ann Munn Gafuik, Senior Specialist, Policy and FOIP
  • Lisa Atkinson, University Records Committee (Chair)

7 April 2014
Amended 23 February 2016

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