Grade Collection Source Documents

UCLASS Primary: AC235 – Evaluation of Students

Retention Rule Number: Specific Retention Rule 2000.12

Function/Activity: To document the collection and recording of students’ final grades.

Description/Type of Records: Grade collection sheets.

Retention Rules

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Retention Disposition
Registrar’s Office
     Grade Collection Sheets: 5 years Microfilm for permanent retention before confidentially shredding paper records or deleting e-records
     Mark files: Until entry complete Destroy
Office of Secondary Responsibility (OSR) Retention Disposition
Faculties and Departments Instructors
     Grade Collection Sheets: 2 years Confidential shred or delete
     Unclaimed Sheets: 1 semester after submission Confidential shred or delete

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR):
In accordance with the privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, access is restricted to Registrar’s Office staff assigned the authority to compile, classify, annotate, read, retrieve, transfer or destroy this record series.

Office of Secondary Responsibility (OSR):
In accordance with the privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, access is restricted to the instructors, departmental and faculty staff assigned the authority to compile, classify, annotate, read, retrieve, transfer or destroy this record series, and to officers or committee members involved in an academic appeal including the reappraisal of grades.

Approval Information:

  • Dr. Gary Krivy, Registrar
  • Jo-Ann Munn Gafuik, University Archivist
  • Bonnie Woelk, University Records Committee (Chair)

19 June 2002

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