Study Abroad Program files

UCLASS Primary: AC175 – Education Abroad

Retention Rule Number: Specific Retention Rule 2007.02

Function/Activity: To document the planning and administration of Study Abroad programs.

Description/Type of Records: Program proposals, descriptions and rationale, risk assessments, cost summaries, posters, class lists, student cost summaries, income and expense summaries, budget worksheets, itineraries, banking information for electronic transfers, travel claim vouchers, travel advance requisitions, cheque requisitions, journal vouchers, student applications, registration documents and waivers of liability, minutes and agenda packages of the Advisory Committee of the Group Study Program. NOTE: All records constitute the complete series for the Study Abroad programs.

Retention Rules

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Retention Disposition
Centre for International Students & Study Abroad (CISSA)
     Study Abroad Program Files 12 years from the end of the academic term in which the travel study occurred. Confidential shred or delete.
     Advisory Committee of the Study Abroad Programs 5 years Transfer to Archives


In accordance with the principles of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, access to these records is restricted to staff assigned the functional responsibilities related to the records as well as those with the authority to compile, classify, annotate, read, retrieve, transfer or destroy this records series.

For Offices of Primary Responsibility (OPR):
Limitations Act, Chapter L-15.1,s.1(f); s.3(1).

Approval Information:

  • Catherine Fisher, Manager, Group Study Programs
  • Jo-Ann Munn Gafuik, Access and Privacy Coordinator

27 September 2007

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