Threat Assessment Response Process

UCLASS Primary: SS635 – Security Services

Retention Rule Number: Specific Retention Rule 2017.16

Function/Activity: To document the Threat Assessment Committee’s process for threat assessment, response, mitigation and remediation.

Description/Type of Records: Violence Triage Referral forms, comprehensive violence threat risk assessment reports and recommendations, incident reports, mitigation plans, correspondence, meeting minutes that are submitted for consideration by the Threat Assessment Committee (TAC).

Retention Rules

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Retention Disposition
Threat Assessment Committee, Risk Retain while case is under investigation + 12 years Delete

In accordance with the principles of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, access to these records is restricted to staff assigned the functional responsibilities related to the records as well as those with the authority to compile, classify, annotate, read, retrieve, transfer or destroy this records series.

For Offices of Primary Responsibility (OPR):
Limitations Act, RSA 200 cL-12, s 3(1)
Occupational Health and Safety Act, S18 (3)-(6); 19
Occupational Health and Safety Code, Part 27
Workplace Violence Policy (UofC)
Student Non-Academic Misconduct Procedure (UofC)
Student-at-Risk Policy (UofC)

Approval Information:

  • Karen Jackson, General Counsel
  • Linda Dalgetty, Vice-President (Finance)
  • Bonnie Woelk, University Archives

14 June 2017

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