Tuition Planning

UCLASS Primary: FM 680 – Tuition Planning

Retention Rule Number: Specific Retention Rule 2014.07

Function/Activity: To document the tuition fee planning process including the consultative process with student organizations and discussions with the provincial government on tuition limits.

Description/Type of Records: Agendas and minutes, correspondence, proposals, recommendations and planning documents.

Retention Rules

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Retention Disposition
Provost and Vice-President (Academic) 4 years Transfer to the Archives for permanent preservation
Office of Secondary Responsibility (OSR) Retention Disposition
Vice-President (Finance and Services) 4 years Confidential shred or delete

The records are classified as confidential; may only be accessed by members of the Executive Leadership Team

Approval Information:

  • Dru Marshall, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
  • Jo-Ann Munn Gafuik, Senior Officer, Policy and FOIP
  • Lisa Atkinson, University Records Committee (Chair)

15 May 2014

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