University of Calgary Medical Group (UCMG) Billing and Transcription Records

Retention Rule Number: Specific Retention Rule 2014.04

Function/Activity: To document UCMG billing and transcription services. (Billing and transcription services are performed by the University while fulfilling its obligations under an Information Management Agreement with UCMG, but the records are owned by UCMG.)

Description/Type of Records: Fee-for-service submissions to Alberta Health, billing reconciliation reports, audio reports, draft transcriptions of audio reports.

Retention Rules

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Retention Disposition

Billing Services, Faculty of Medicine
Billing Records (submissions, reconciliation reports)

4 years

Confidentially shred or delete

Transcription Services, Faculty of Medicine
Transcription Records (audio reports and transcriptions)

1 year following distribution of final report

Confidentially delete

These records collections contain personal health information. Access to these records is restricted to Staff from UCMG with managerial approval.

Limitations Act, RSA 2000, Chapter L-12,s.3(1).

Approval Information:

  • Dr. Sean Grondin, UCMG Co-Chair
  • Jo-Ann Munn Gafuik, Senior Officer, Policy and FOIP
  • Bonnie Woelk, University Records Committee (Chair)

26 February 2014

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