Metadata Services

High quality, customized metadata schemas form the core of many large-scale research initiatives.

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Why is metadata important?

Using metadata standards and appropriate vocabularies to describe research projects, digital collections, and data resources improves their discoverability. Metadata can also provide key information for reproduction and management of information resources throughout their lifecycle. Consult with Metadata Services on how to identify and describe your research materials to maximize their reach.

We can help you:

  • Select appropriate metadata standards for your research projects
  • Create standardized metadata and templates to ensure collaborators and other scholars can make use of your research
  • Provide guidance on using controlled vocabularies to assist in uniform description of data, and improve information retrieval
  • Review metadata creation for quality assurance

Where is it located?

Lab NEXT located on the third floor TFDL.


Our team members.

Susan Dahl

Director, Content Services

Ingrid Reiche

Metadata Librarian

What is metadata?

Creating Metadata using Dublin Core elements to describe your digital objects

Read more about Metadata
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