Data Management

Research data, whether made up of spreadsheets, interview transcripts, image collections, digital records, or other material is crucial to your research career.

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What is data management?

Proper data management will save you time and headaches at all stages of the research process. We can help with you creating a data management plan, providing best practices data management advice, making your datasets discoverable in data repositories, as well as with documentation and metadata standards.

What does data management include?

  • Designating responsibilities of all parties involved in performing the research.
  • Determining how data will be securely stored and backed up.
  • Utilizing file formats that allow for data re-use, sharing, and long-term access.
  • Creating documentation and standardized metadata to ensure collaborators and potentially other scholars can make use of your data.
  • Identifying how (or if) your data may be shared for verification, re-use, or other purposes.
  • Ensuring that any shared data does not reveal confidential information.

Where is it located?

Lab NEXT located on the third floor TFDL.


Our team members.

John Brosz

Research Data & Visualization Coordinator

Kathryn Ruddock

Manager, Digitization & Repository Services

Heather Ganshorn

Librarian, Research Data Management

Jennifer Abel

Research Data Management Librarian


Find out more about data management and data management plans

Research Data Management - Learn


Create a data management plan to ensure your research data is well taken care of

Research Data Management - Plan


Whether in progress or while research is underway we can help you share and collaborate with your data

Research Data Management - Share
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