Information Management

The University Archives has created tools and procedures to assist University offices with their record keeping responsibilities. This includes managing the creation, receipt, filing, maintenance and disposal of records in any form throughout the three stages of their life cycle:

The tools available to assist you with the management of University records include:

  1. The University Classification System (UCLASS) can assist with the organization and filing of active records.
  2. The Master Records Retention Schedule (MaRRS) can assist with the scheduling of records for destruction or transfer to the University Archives.
  3. Procedures for the destruction of records.
  4. Procedures for transferring records to the University Archives.
Active Stage: the creation and receipt, organization, filing, and maintenance of records.
Semi- active Stage: the identification and separation of records with diminishing reference or administrative purposes from those records still in the active phase.
Inactive Stage: the management of records that no longer have administrative and/or reference value, but may still need to be retained for legislative, financial, or archival reasons.
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