Records Coordinators

The Information Asset Management Policy states:4.12 University departments will appoint at least one officer to serve as Records Coordinator for the department. The Records Coordinator will be responsible for discharging the duties of the department with respect to information management.

Records Coordinators act as liaisons between their office and the University Archives in all matters related to the management of records.  Records Coordinators receive updates on new and revised retention rules, additions and changes to the University Classification System and procedures on the destruction of recordor for transferring records to the University Archives.

The role of a Records Coordinator is to:

  1. Be aware of the types of records series that are created and/or maintained in their office.
  2. Understand which retention rules apply to the records in their offices.
  3. Apply retention rules on a regular basis (every 6 months to 1 year).
  4. Arrange for the transfer and/or destruction of records using authorized procedures.
  5. Document the destruction or transfer of records using the appropriate forms.
  6. Provide advice to the University Archives on the administrative requirements for the retention of records.

Watch video on the role of a records coordinator. To find out who the Records Coordinator is in your department or to update your department’s Records Coordinator please email

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