FM – Financial Management
This block covers activities reflecting the financial administration and management of the University including the direction of budgeting, tuition planning, provincial funding, and the management of revenues, funds and trust accounts.
To document financial management matters not shown elsewhere in this block. Material of a specific nature should be placed on the appropriate subject file.
To document the processing of payments for supplies and services on behalf of the University, and to document an auditing trail of the payments. Records may include accounts payable transaction records such as cheque requisitions, invoices, purchase orders, purchase requisitions, bank draft payments, relocation claims, GST payments, cheque log books, travel claims, travel advance requisitions, accompanying receipts and other related documentation.
Retention Rule(s):
- Accounts Payable Vouchers (Specific Retention Rule 99.0001)
To document the receipt and deposit of money owed to the University, including the issuing of receipts, depositing money, updating deposit data into financial information systems, and updating departments’ accounts. Records may include accounts receivable cash deposit and receipt vouchers, copies of income tax receipts, deposit books, cash till tapes, copies of cheques, gift certifications and log books, cash audit log books, aging reports, and daily cash balance records.
Retention Rule(s):
- Accounts Receivable Cash Receipt and Deposit Vouchers (Specific Retention Rule 99.0005)
To document the invoicing for goods and services provided to external clients. Records may include accounts receivable invoices, past due invoices, collection agency non-sufficient-funds (NSF) cheques, debt reference files and correspondence.
Retention Rule(s):
- Accounts Receivable Invoices (Specific Retention Rule 2000.11).
To document the development of the budgets of University administrative units, faculties and departments, of the operating and capital budgets of the University. Records may include business plans, budget submissions, financial statements, and correspondence on resource allocations.
To document the establishment of student fees and rates requiring Board of Governors approval including health and dental plans, campus recreation, transportation, athletics, co-operative program fees, housing and board and other student fee levies.
Cross Reference(s):
- For matters related to tuition fees and planning, see FM Tuition Planning.
To document the activity and interaction of the University accounts with their respective bank accounts. Records may include bank statements and bank reconciliations, bank reports and deposit account analyses.
Retention Rule(s):
- Daily Banking (Specific Retention Rule 2000.22)
To document the issuing of tax receipts for donations to the University; and to track the donation and tax receipt process. Records may include tax receipts (cash and in-kind receipts), tax receipt log books, gift-in-kind receipts, monetary appraisal records, deposit forms, non-tax receiptable receipts, credit card slips, and related correspondence.
Cross Reference(s):
- Donor Tax Receipts (Specific Retention Rule 2000.05)
To document the administration of expense allowances. Records may include professional expense reimbursement claims (PER) and receipts.
Cross Reference(s):
- For the processing of expenses other than PER, see FM Accounts Payable Vouchers
Retention Rule(s):
- Expense Allowance (Specific Retention Rule 2000.06)
To document financial reporting activities and the record of all University financial transactions. Records include the general ledger, journal vouchers, and financial reports.
Cross Reference(s):
- Investment Management (Specific Retention Rule 2000.24)
To document the management of University investments. Records may include investment registers and portfolio reports, interest calculations and working documents.
Retention Rule(s):
- Investment Management (Specific Retention Rule 2000.24)
To document the changes made to payroll payments. Records may include cheque registers and retroactive adjustment reports.
Retention Rule(s):
- Payroll Payments & Changes (Specific Retention Rule 2000.08)
To document the payment of University employees; and to document contributions to pension plans, employment insurance and employer benefits returns, taxes payable, refundable tax credits receivable, and other amounts that should be deducted, collected or paid to be determined. Records may include payroll payments system records, health insurance billing records and premium statements, casual employee requisitions and time sheets, salary review reports, long term disability pension payment records, tax remittances, exception and reconciliation reports, deduction reports and T4 reports.
Cross Reference(s):
- Payroll Payments and Deductions (Specific Retention Rule 2000.07)
To document the administration of petty cash.
Cross Reference(s):
- Accounts Receivable Cash Receipt and Deposit Vouchers & Petty Cash (Specific Retention Rule 99.0005)
To document the establishment and provision of provincial government funding programs including base operating funds, access grants and other funding frameworks. Records may include business plans and correspondence with the provincial government relating to capital and operating grants, innovative projects, and other topics. Records may also include funding program terms of reference, letters of intent and proposals.
Cross Reference(s):
- For general liaison with government, see GV Government Relations.
- For government involvement in academic program development, see AC Program Planning
- For the budget planning process, see FM Budget Development.
To document the payment of student fees to the University and the tracking of student fee payments. Includes the application for and authorization of emergency loans.
Cross Reference(s):
- For the administration of student awards, see ST Student Awards.
Retention Rule(s):
- Student Fees (Specific Retention Rule 2000.20)
To document the tuition planning process including discussions with the provincial government on tuition limits and the consultative process with student organizations; to document the planning process for the setting of differential fees and international student fees. Records may include correspondence with the provincial government, meeting materials, proposals, recommendations and planning documents.
Retention Rule(s):
- Tuition Planning (Specific Retention Rule 2014.07)
To document the management of and the reporting on trust accounts and other special funds such as endowments. Records may include correspondence, financial statements and procedural documents
Retention Rule(s):
- Trust & Special Funds (Specific Retention Rule 2000.25)