Open Educational Resources (OER)

Educational materials that are freely and openly shared under an open licence or are in the Public Domain which can be reused, repurposed, and redistributed by others for their own teaching and learning needs.

Why OER?

  • Reduce financial barriers
  • Increase access to learning
  • Enhance Teaching and Learning Experiences
  • Customize course materials

Types of OER

  • Open Textbooks
  • Open Courses
  • Multimedia
  • Simulations and Interactive Activities
  • Assessments
  • Case Studies

5R’s of Open and Open Licensing

  • Retain: Make, own, and control copies
  • Reuse: Use in multiple ways
  • Revise: Change or adapt OER to suit needs
  • Remix: Combine multiple OER together
  • Redistribute: Share copies of original and adapted OER

Creative Commons open licenses supports the 5R’s of Open through copyright licensing where the copyright holder retains their rights to their work and applies an additional open licence that provides advanced permissions for how their work may be used and adapted by others.

About OER & Licensing

Open Educational Resources (OER) Research Guide

This guide provides information and resources to help support you learn about OER, find and evaluate existing OER, adopt OER, and create OER.

Visit the Research Guide

Copyright and Open Licensing Research Guide

This guide provides information and resources about copyright and open licensing, including Creative Commons licensing information.

Visit the Research Guide

Explore Copyright Services at UCalgary

Open Educational Resources FAQs

Look through commonly asked questions and answers about Open Educational Resources (OER).

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OER Teaching & Learning Supports

Open Course Materials Matching Service (OCoMMS)

Save time searching for OER. This service supports the exploration of openly licensed teaching and learning materials that match the needs of a course.

Visit the Research Guide

Submit a OCoMMS Search Request

OER by Discipline: University of Calgary

This guide organizes quality open educational resources (OER) according to the faculties, departments, and subject areas at UCalgary to easily locate potential OER.

Visit the Guide

Reading List Service

The service simplifies the creation and availability of Course Reading Lists in D2L from different sources including LCR’s collections, OER repositories, databases, and websites.

Visit the Guide

Open Services Suite for OER

Open Education Alberta

A collaborative, no-fee publishing service for book-like open educational resources available to educators at UCalgary to create and host OERs.

Visit the Research Guide

Submit an OER Pressbooks Request

Open Education Alberta Catalog

Open Services Suite

LCR’s other open repositories and publishing services are available to support a variety of OER format types.

Visit the Open Services Suite

OER Grants and Incentives

Teaching and Learning Grants and Scholars Program

This program supports an area of focus for OER adaptation and creation projects supported by the Students’ Union’s Quality Money fund.

Explore this grant program

Learn about the SU’s Quality Money

BCcampus’ Review an Open Textbook

Available to faculty in Alberta, BCcampus is looking for qualified textbook reviewers for select open textbooks held within the B.C. Open Textbook Collection.

Visit the BCcampus Webpage

When faculty use OER, we aren't just saving students money on textbooks: we are directly impacting that students' ability to enroll in, persist through, and successfully complete a course.

Jhangiani & DeRosa, 2017

Open Education FAQs

Look through commonly asked questions and answers about open education.

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Open Education Workshops and Events

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Libraries and Cultural Resources News

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