Teaching Support

Our librarians, curators, and archivists are a critical point of contact between LCR and your department or faculty. They can work with you to bring customized, discipline-specific learning experiences to your students.

What services are offered?

Course Materials

Reading List Service

Create a Reading List using the Reading List Service. This option creates a list of all course readings and materials, including books, articles, video, Internet content, instructor resources, etc. This streamlined process facilitates automatic copyright review and enables you to submit digitization, acquisition and physical reserve requests. The Reading List is integrated directly with D2L and provides a comprehensive list of course materials for your students. This option is available under the “Tools” tab in D2L. Or if you prefer, the Copyright Office will create your list for you. Please contact copyright@ucalgary.ca with your list. If the Copyright Office has cleared the materials in the past, please provide your course information and they will create the list using the files they have on record.

Access the Reading List Service guide View physical Reserve Information

Open Course Materials Matching Service (OCoMMS)

Open Course Materials Matching Service (OCoMMS) is a service available for those who are selecting teaching and learning materials for courses at the University of Calgary and are interested in using open educational resources (OER). By using this service, you can save time and effort searching for OER as the OER Support Team at Libraries and Cultural Resources can do the searching for you. The team will search for matching OER based on your course syllabus and provide a curated list for you to review for potential adoption in your course. There are many benefits to teaching with OER, including reducing cost barriers for students, 24/7 access to digital OER, flexible learning opportunities, increased student engagement, and the opportunity to customize teaching materials to better suit your course.

Access the OCoMMS guide

Experiential Learning Opportunities

LCR’s librarians, archivists, curators, and staff can partner with you to develop high-quality experiential learning opportunities for your students to learn through hands-on experiences and engagement.

Experiential learning with LCR

Book a Teaching Session

Our librarians, curators, and archivists can teach classes for your students covering important resources in your discipline, the research process, critical thinking skills, and many more topics. They are able to help your students not only access research material, but they can also help them to better understand and critically evaluate the material they find.

Book a session

Teaching Staff

Find and contact an expert in your discipline.


The library offers a variety of instruction workshops throughout the year. These workshops are designed to supplement in-class or course-based instruction and enhance research skills development. Workshops are open to students, faculty and staff and cover topics including:

  • citation management
  • copyright
  • identifying and searching for evidence across disciplines
  • qualitative data analysis with NVivo
  • Qualtrics survey development software
  • research data management
  • systematic and scoping review methodologies

Register for a workshop

Librarians are also happy to customize a workshop to the learning needs of your students or research teams. Book a consultation with one of our librarians to discuss your specific instructional needs.

Book a Video Screening for Your Class

Faculty can book a video for pick-up at the Taylor Family Digital Library in advance of an in-classroom video screening or for a Preview Room booking.

A Preview Room is available in the TFDL that faculty can book for class video screening with up to 20 people.

Request video or Preview Room

Other UCalgary Instructional Supports

For assistance with your teaching, please consult Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning.

For assistance with IT, please consult Information Technologies.


A list of key contacts for teaching support enquiries.

Leeanne Morrow

Head, Learner Support and Engagement Services

Bronte Chiang


Sarah Adams

Open Education Librarian

Nadine Hoffman


Rhiannon Jones


Jennifer Lee


Faculty support

A starting point for connecting faculty with library information, resources, and expertise to support teaching and research activities.

Access faculty support

OCoMMS Guide

The Open Course Materials Matching Service provides instructors and faculty with the opportunity to save time in the exploration of potential open educational resources through partnership with LCR’s OER Support Team.

View OCoMMS guide
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